Manage and create new data exports in the Destinations page. As Sona Audiences update, automatically synchronize the new datasets to external databases, email automation, and other platforms on a regular basis.
Before creating a new Destination, you first need to add a new Connector to establish the integration between the external platform and Sona.
Add a New Destination
Add a New Destination
Click the + sign at the end of the search bar to add a new destination.
Select a destination target from the dropdown list. If you haven’t connected Sona to the platform, click Connectors on the left to add the integration.
Fill in the fields in the Create Destination screen, starting with a Destination Name.
Enter a number (in seconds) for the Sync Frequency to schedule regular updates.
Choose a Sona Audience report and select a target destination from the options available for your destination.
If the connector for the platform hasn't been added yet, the destination target dropdown list will be empty.
Click Save to add the new destination. Some platforms will require additional configurations (outlined below) before you can create the destination.
Additional Configurations
Additional Configurations
Guides for additional configurations for supported destinations are linked below.