The Filter feature is available on every page that contains any type of data, such as profiles and reports.
You can add one or more filters to the tables in these pages to refine the displayed data based on the attributes and conditions that you specify. The system uses column filtering, which means a filter will only reference data within a specified column.
The search bar also acts a quick filter that simply looks for matching keywords or strings throughout the entire table, also known as a global filtering.
However, the following pages have a search auto-complete that functions as a simple column filter:
Web Visitors
CRM Contacts
The auto-complete feature in these pages will specify which columns are being searched.
The filter and search fields are case sensitive. Any keywords or values you enter must match the exact case of the data that you want to find.
When you save a set of filters or create a new audience or report, you are creating a dynamic grouping. This means that any new incoming data matching the specified attributes will be automatically added to the dataset.
Managing Filters
Managing Filters
After adding a filter, you can click the filter to edit its properties.
Click Save Filter to save a set of pre-configured filters.
You can switch between different saved filter from the menu on the left.
Click Edit Filter to rename or delete a saved filter.
You can also click the X icon delete a filter.