Sona makes it easy to connect and leverage messaging platforms like Slack for instant notifications. Once integrated, you can create custom alerts based on audiences and saved filters, enabling real-time updates on both visitors and accounts.
Slack Integration with Sona
Login to Sona, navigate to Connectors on the left sidebar, and select New Connector
You will see all connectors available to you. Type-in Slack in the All Connectors search bar, and click the Connect button.
After finding the Slack Connector card, click “Connect”.
You will be redirected to where you can authorize the integration with SSO.
Login to your Slack Admin account.
Select “Allow” and you’ll then be able to configure alerts for Slack.
7. After adding the Slack Connector, add the Sona Slack app to the specific Slack channel where you want to receive alerts by typing "/add app"
8. After Slack is connected to Sona in the steps above, you'll see the Sona app which can be enabled in the Slack channel that you select.
And, that’s it! Sona is configured to send alerts to Slack channels or individual Slack users.
There are a few key benefits:
You can configure messaging alerts for both visitors and accounts.
You can define alerts based on audiences and filtered data views which you can setup in the Web Visitors List or the Accounts List.
You and your team can gain valuable, real-time insights based on the intent and buying stages of your visitors and accounts